• CEB Bulletins

    CEB Bulletins

  • CEB Bulletins

    CEB Bulletins

CEB bulletins from 1977-1998 are available. Abstracts can be viewed by clicking on the Bulletin title. Prices are given in Swiss Francs (CHF).

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For CEB bulletins published prior to 1977, please contact the secretariat.

Please note that some documents may have unreadable pages. The fib does its best to ensure that publications are readable. However, despite the high resolution scanning, some original copies have unreadable pages.

CEB Bulletins

Shear and Torsion - Explanatory and Viewpoint papers on Model Code 78 (PDF)

N° 126.1978. Shear and Torsion - Explanatory and Viewpoint Papers on Model Code 78, chapters 11 and 12 - prepared by members of CEB Commission V.

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Serviceability models (PDF)

No. 235. 1997. Serviceability models - Behaviour and Modelling in Serviceability Limit States including repeated and sustainedloads - Progress Report.

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Price CHF 25.00
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Serviceability models

No. 235. 1997. Serviceability models - Behaviour and Modelling in Serviceability Limit States including repeated and sustainedloads - Progress Report.

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Selected Justification Notes (PDF)

N°217. 1993. Selected Justification Notes

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Selected Justification Notes

N°217. 1993. Selected Justification Notes

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Controlled Inelastic Response (PDF)

No. 236. 1997. Seismic design of reinforced concrete structures for controlled inelastic response - Recent advances in design concepts and codes.

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Price CHF 20.00
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Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Controlled Inelastic Response

No. 236. 1997. Seismic design of reinforced concrete structures for controlled inelastic response - Recent advances in design concepts and codes.

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Price CHF 20.00
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Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Preliminary Draft of an Appendix to the CEB-FIP Model Code (PDF)

N° 133.1980. Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Preliminary Draft of an Appendix to the CEB-FIP Model Code

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Seismic Design of Concrete Structures (PDF)

N° 149. 1982. Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - Second Draft of an Appendix to the CEB-FIP Model Code

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Price CHF 20.00
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Seismic Design - Design Concepts (PDF)

No. 240. 1998. Seismic Design - Design Concepts. (Printed revised hardbound edition of Bull. 236. Thomas Telford Ltd., London)

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Seismic Design - Design Concepts

No. 240. 1998. Seismic Design - Design Concepts. (Printed revised hardbound edition of Bull. 236. Thomas Telford Ltd., London)

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Sécurité dans les structures hyperstatiques - Compte-rendu de la 10ème Session Plénière (PDF)

N° 55.1966. Sécurité dans les structures hyperstatiques - Compte-rendu de la 10ème Session Plénière.

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Safety and Performance Concepts (PDF)

N°219. 1993. Safety and Performance Concepts Contributions to the workshop-sessions 'Model uncertainties', 'New concepts' and 'Full scale testing', ...

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Safety and Performance Concepts

N°219. 1993. Safety and Performance Concepts Contributions to the workshop-sessions 'Model uncertainties', 'New concepts' and 'Full scale testing', ...

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Response of Reinforced Concrete Critical Regions under Large Amplitude Reversed Actions (PDF)

N° 161. 1983. Response of Reinforced Concrete Critical Regions under Large Amplitude Reversed Actions

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Reliability of Concrete Structures (PDF)

N°202. 1991. Reliability of Concrete Structures - Final Report of Permanent Commission I

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Reliability of Concrete Structures

N°202. 1991. Reliability of Concrete Structures - Final Report of Permanent Commission I

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Reinforcement, Bond and Anchorage: State of the Art Report (PDF)

N° 118.1977. Reinforcement, Bond and Anchorage: State of the Art Report

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Price CHF 25.00
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Recommendations for Mechanical Splices of Reinforcing Bars (PDF)

N° 201. 1990. Recommendations for Mechanical Splices of Reinforcing Bars. - Recommendations for Spacers, Chairs and Tying of Steel Reinforcement - ...

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Recommandations pratiques pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton précontraint (PDF)

N° 54.1966. Recommandations pratiques pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton précontraint - Rédaction provisoire - Texte original français.

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recommandations pratiques pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton précontraint

N° 54.1966. Recommandations pratiques pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton précontraint - Rédaction provisoire - Texte original français

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recommandations pratiques á l'usage des constructeurs (PDF)

N° 39.1963. Recommandations pratiques à l’usage des constructeurs

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recommandations internationales unifiées pour le calcul et l’exécution des constructions en panneaux assemblés de grand format (PDF)

N° 60.1967. Recommandations internationales unifiées pour le calcul et l’exécution des constructions en panneaux assemblés de grand format

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recommandations internationales CEB-FIP pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton. Vol. 2 (PDF)

N° 73F.. Recommandations internationales CEB-FIP pour le calcul et l'exécution des ouvrages en béton. Vol. 2: Fascicules annexes (propositions) (1970)

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Recommandations Internationales CEB-FIP 1970 pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton (PDF)

N° 84.1972. Recommandations Internationales CEB-FIP 1970 pour le calcul et l'exécution des ouvrages en béton (version française définitive avec ...

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recommandations Internationales CEB-FIP 1970 pour le calcul et l’exécution des ouvrages en béton

N° 84.1972. Recommandations Internationales CEB-FIP 1970 pour le calcul et l'exécution des ouvrages en béton (version française définitive avec ...

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Recherches sur la fissuration admissible dans les constructions en béton armé (traduction française du rapport CUR-10) (PDF)

N° 13.1959. Recherches sur la fissuration admissible dans les constructions en béton armé (traduction française du rapport CUR-10) (PDF)

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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RC Frames under Earthquake Loading (PDF)

N°231. 1996. RC Frames under Earthquake Loading. (printed revised hardbound edition of Bulletin 220, Telford, London)

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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RC Elements under Cyclic Loading (PDF)

N°230. 1996. RC Elements under Cyclic Loading.(Printed version by Th. Telford, London)

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport sur les travaux de la Commission CEB “Effort tranchant” (PDF)

N° 26.1960. Rapport sur les travaux de la Commission CEB “Effort tranchant”

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Rapport sur la collaboration entre le CEB et l’ACI. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Flexion-compression” (PDF)

N° 15.1959. Rapport sur la collaboration entre le CEB et l’American Concrete Institute (ACI). Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB ...

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Poutres en T” (PDF)

N° 18.1959. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Poutres en T”

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB Hyperstatique (PDF)

N° 21.1960. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Hyperstatique”

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Price CHF 25.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB Flexion-Compression (PDF)

N° 22.1960. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Flexion-Compression”

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Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB Flambage (PDF)

N° 17.1959. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Flambage”

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB Déformations (PDF)

N° 16.1959. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Déformations”

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Price CHF 25.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB Acier Adhérence Ancrages (PDF)

N° 23.1960. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Acier - Adhérence - Ancrages”

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB - Flambage (PDF)

N° 31.1961. Rapport des travaux de la Commission CEB “Flambage”

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport de la Commission CEB Hyperstatiques (PDF)

N° 30.1961. Rapport de la Commission CEB “Hyperstatiques”

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Rapport de la Commission CEB Dalles - Planchers-dalles (PDF)

N° 29.1960. Rapport de la Commission CEB “Dalles - Planchers-dalles”. Comparaison entre les différents règlements existants - Résultats d’essais.

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Rapport concernant la participation du CEB à la Conférence sur le Calcul des Structures (PDF)

N° 10.1959. Rapport concernant la participation du CEB à la Conférence sur le Calcul des Structures

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Quality Management - Printed revised edition of Bull. 234 (PDF)

No. 241. 1998. Quality Management. (Printed revised hardbound edition of CEB Bull. 234. Thomas Telford Ltd.)

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Quality Management - Printed revised edition of Bull. 234

No. 241. 1998. Quality Management. (Printed revised hardbound edition of CEB Bull. 234. Thomas Telford Ltd.)

Price CHF 50.00
Price CHF 25.00
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Quality Management (PDF)

N°234. 1997. Quality Management - Guidelines for the Implementation of the ISO Standards of the 9000 Series in the Construction Industry.

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Quality Management

N°234. 1997. Quality Management - Guidelines for the Implementation of the ISO Standards of the 9000 Series in the Construction Industry.

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Concrete Structures (PDF)

N° 157. 1983. Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Concrete Structures

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Concrete Structures

N° 157. 1983. Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Concrete Structures

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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Quality Assurance for Building (PDF)

N°184. 1988. Quality Assurance for Building - Synthesis Report.

Price CHF 40.00
Price CHF 20.00
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