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  • Structural Concrete, Vol. 3, no. 3, September 2002

fib President Iria Doníak's address

It has been twenty-five years since the integration of the CEB and the FIP to form our Federation, the fib. Yes, it is truly ours, as the sense of belonging we share moves us to improve and innovate in our practice. Today, we bring together 42 countries with official delegations, along with associated professionals and companies, all committed to investing in concrete engineering to promote sustainable development. Our most valuable asset is the global structure of our debates, where we listen to the world and build convergences.


Since 2008, when I began my involvement with the fib, I have developed a deep respect for its members. It is important to remember that this is voluntary work, which has brought out the best in leading experts from around the world. The aim is not to build reputations, but to build values and knowledge. This is what makes the fib an admirable international organization, one that not only promotes high-quality content but also fosters unprecedented networking among its members.

As we progress, internationalize and build a meaningful legacy, we, as an organization and a sector, face the challenges of transformation—both in the institutional realm and in the practical aspects of civil construction. Our reality is one of constant and significant change, with relevant and challenging themes constantly emerging for humanity. Reflecting on history, I see this as part of a cycle, often referred to as disruption, that periodically renews itself, prompting us to rethink, evolve, and move forward.

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the support of all the countries that elected me, and with great respect, for the brilliant professionals who came before us, as well as for our structure and all the commissions and their working groups.

In the last few days, I have reflected on the upcoming administration. By looking to the past, focusing on the present, and keeping a vision for the future, I present a few key themes that will guide us over the next two years.

We will continue to focus on priority themes such as sustainability, for which planning is already underway and requires further support and strengthening to reach its goals. In November, we published the fib Roadmap along with the actions that provide the necessary support, from the guidelines established in the MC (2020) to the ongoing development of the database, which still needs to progress. There is a shared understanding that climate change and carbon neutrality will remain central to our agenda.

Another key theme is the digitalization of processes and products. We will focus on this area both within the institutional realm and in our roles as designers, consultants, builders, and professionals in the concrete structures field. With various interfaces at play, it is time to define our strategy, one that will encompass all existing technologies and tools, including Artificial Intelligence.

As our entity advances, internationalizes, and grows, we must be prepared for the years ahead. A significant milestone has been the recent publication of the fib Code of Conduct. With this in place, it is now time to review our Statutes to strengthen them, implement a process-driven culture within our entity, enhance our management system, and better position ourselves to expand our reach even further.

We will also work together to continuously strengthen the fib Young Members Group (YMG), collaborating with the next generations to drive progress and ensure the federation’s longevity on a strong foundation. However, we will always recognize the value of integrating the experience of those who have brought us to this point, as we cannot afford to overlook the importance of either group.

Regarding people, it is expected that I will talk about women, as I will be the first to hold this leadership position. I strongly believe in two principles: skill, regardless of gender, and complementarity, where men and women, with their distinct qualities, can truly make a difference.

There is, of course, an increasing awareness of gender-related causes, and we will continue to maintain an inclusive stance and offer our full support. The most significant proof of this is our long-standing collaboration, based on mutual respect, and our growing openness to women's participation in key roles, such as within the Presidium.

These themes reinforce that we have much work ahead of us. In closing, I want to wish all of you, our members and partners, a New Year filled with success and achievements, and I invite you to remain with us on this shared journey!

fib postal address

Ch. du Barrage, Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne


p : +41 21 693 27 47
f : +41 21 693 62 45
e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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