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  • The fibUK will be holding its annual conference

Happy New Year!

The fib Secretariat and the fib Presidium wish you all a pleasant and prosperous 2020!

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The fib had a good and productive 2019. The Symposium in Krakow was splendid, both technically and socially, thanks to the organising committee, cleverly and nicely headed by Wit Derkowski. We also had the Symposium on Conceptual design in Madrid, initiated by our honorary president Hugo Corres, whose infectious enthusiasm for the subject inspired us all.

The Model Code 2020 committee met several times in 2019. About 30 fib experts do their best to produce a first-class Model Code, for safe, sustainable and economical concrete structures, for the benefit not only of the fib but for the entire society. Stuart Matthews is heading this important work.

The member nations of the fib contribute 86% of the world production of cement. Of course the fib matters, through our work and publications. Almost the entire world has access to our work and therefore benefits from it.

The focus in 2019 has been on the members of the fib, potential new members, and some members that struggle a little bit to reorganise themselves, as well as on the environmental aspects of the concrete industry, which are very important. The fib is extremely happy to see the high level of activity among the Young Members Groups; without them, the fib would not survive in the long run.

I have always been fond of the fib and the valuable work the fib produces. My first year as president has strengthened this impression. The secretariat does an efficient and very good job with only four people: David, Marie, Marie-Laure and Corinne.

The fib has 10 Commissions, each one with top world experts contributing voluntarily with their knowledge and time. What is the value of their efforts, and why do we want to assess it? It is crucial for the contributors to know that their efforts are valued and appreciated. As for companies, they are more likely to encourage employees to attend conferences and symposia when they see the value of the fib. And finally, for the fib, it is of interest to know the value of the work when planning future efforts.

Efforts have been made to quantify the value of the fib's work in 2019: it is highly beneficial for individuals, companies, and countries alike. We will do our best to measure and report the worth of the fib activities in 2020 as well.

This year, the fib Symposium will be held in Shanghai, China in April, the fib PhD Symposium will be held in August in Paris, France, and the fib ICCS will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, in September.

So again, Happy New Year, we are looking forward to another exciting and fruitful year.

On behalf of the fib Secretariat and the Presidium,

Tor Ole

fib President

fib postal address

Ch. du Barrage, Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne


p : +41 21 693 27 47
f : +41 21 693 62 45
e : info@fib-international.org
w : www.fib-international.org

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